EUPRP and 2D-6R
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Victoria Morello - Omnimessage

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Victoria Morello - Omnimessage Empty Victoria Morello - Omnimessage

Post by mia_the_human Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:56 pm

Petrov bestowed me with his final words. Here they are.

Anne Itsuko - Anne, I Want you to know that no matter what, I loved you. You are the person who made me happy, and have shown me how the world can be, better than everyone else I know. I love you… and I will always watch over you. I’ll meet you later….

And… there is a gift… I made sure that in case I perished in London, that I left my ring with my belongings, It is in a case. It is wrapped.

You are still adorable to me.

Cassius Petrov - Father… I loved you, I forgive you.. When you pass, I will speak to you then… we have many years to catch up, and we got our afterlives to talk during. If he is still living, I want you to give him my funds.

Nade Ester - Nade, comrade. You were a great comrade when I wasn’t sure what to think about you to start with, but when I chose combat engineer, you have shown me the way… thank you comrade. If Cassius has perished, I want you to have my Funds.

Adande Greene - Adande, you have shown me my life, better than it was before. You’ve done more than most people in the crew… keep trucking comrade. And… after reading Vladimir’s Journal.. I Presume it was his after all from that one in Maine. I want you to carry on his wish, the three deaths thing he talked about, make sure I’m not forgotten, yeah?

Victoria Morello - Victoria, you have done more than enough to help me out. You taught me english, you warned me about how I was abused as a child and was the first. You alongside Adande have done a lot of things, and I have immense respect for you. I have a old top in my Locker, it is not much, but it is the best I can do. It was my only form of entertainment as a child, and you are the youngest of the crew after all. And… make sure Anne is alright, I want you to do the same to me when I was troubled. And make sure Anne isn’t troubled.

Flynt Thatcher - Flynt, i have left you a gift as apart of our lessons. In my locker, under my best dress uniform, is a small box with a piece of hardware inside it, I pre-wrote lessons of russian for you to learn, you seemed to like the lessons.

Товарищ , я хочу , чтобы ты остался сильным.

Uriel Ventanos - Uriel, comrade. I want to make another thanks to you for fixing my ribs up. I dobut anyone else would be able to do that. I also want to thank you for your help with my past, you cleared my mind comrade. After the final words are spoken from me, I want you to keep my Journal, I know it’s little, but it is the best I can do.

Pydh - Pydh, Bugrade, thanks for being a interesting person to speak to. Brings me back to when I first joined myself, thank you.

Paul - Fucking eh, at least bury me with a picture of Paul, love that bugger. Better than the other three in my opinion. Should be a old rope in my locker, guess you could use it as a tug of war toy with him.

To those who I did not mention, thank you for making the past few months a living joy to be with comrades. And… I want you guys to do a favor for me, let a dead man have his wish or two. I want you to first make my Dossier Records public, people want to know where my standings are, ya? And my final wish….

Fuck up Negan, and make sure he dies painfully, and slowly..

And… like I said before.. I want you to bury me with a picture of Paul, and Anne. I want to remember my loves back then.


Posts : 154
Join date : 2016-05-17
Age : 24

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